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View bookmarks on your home screen

Revision 231474:

Revision 231474 by michro on

Revision 280967:

Revision 280967 by lsiebert on


recent bookmarks, recent searches, homepage bookmarks, homepage searches
bookmarks, recent searches, homepage bookmarks, homepage searches

Search results summary:

You can access your recently saved bookmarks and recent searches from your Firefox for Android homepage.
You can access your bookmarks and recent searches from your Firefox for Android home screen.


Your personalized Firefox homepage on Android makes it easy for you to pick up where you left off after your last browser session. You can access your recently saved bookmarks and recent searches from your homepage. __TOC__ = View recently saved bookmarks = To view your recently saved bookmarks: #Scroll down to the '''Recent bookmarks''' section to see your most recent bookmarks. #Tap {menu Show all} in the '''Recent bookmarks''' section to view and [[Manage bookmark folders in Firefox for Android|manage all bookmarks]]. = View recent searches = To view your recent searches: #Scroll down to the '''Recent searches''' section to see your most recent searches. #Tap {menu Show all} in the '''Recent searches''' section to view all. #Tap a search term box to view the sites you previously accessed from the search. #Tap the remove icon [[Image:Screenshots cancel icon fx55]] to remove a site from the recent search. #Tap the delete icon [[Image:Copnfig Editor Trash Icon]] to remove the recent search term box.
Your personalized Firefox homepage on Android makes it easy for you to pick up where you left off after your last browser session. You can access your bookmarks and recent searches from your home screen. __TOC__ {for not m127} = View recently saved bookmarks = To view your recently saved bookmarks: #Scroll down to the '''Recent bookmarks''' section to see your most recent bookmarks. #Tap {menu Show all} in the '''Recent bookmarks''' section to view and [[Manage bookmark folders in Firefox for Android|manage all bookmarks]]. {/for} {for m127} = View bookmarks = To view your bookmarks: #Scroll down to the '''Bookmarks''' section to see your most recent bookmarks. #Tap {menu Show all} in the '''Bookmarks''' section to view and [[Manage bookmark folders in Firefox for Android|manage all bookmarks]]. #;[[Image:Fenix home screen bookmarks|width=350]] {/for} = View recent searches = To view your recent searches: #Scroll down to the '''Recent searches''' section to see your most recent searches. #Tap {menu Show all} in the '''Recent searches''' section to view all. #Tap a search term box to view the sites you previously accessed from the search. #Tap the remove icon [[Image:Screenshots cancel icon fx55]] to remove a site from the recent search. #Tap the delete icon [[Image:Copnfig Editor Trash Icon]] to remove the recent search term box.

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