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Use labels to keep your masks organized in Firefox Relay

Revision 261765:

Revision 261765 by lsiebert on

Revision 281432:

Revision 281432 by AliceWyman on


Search results summary:

Labels help you organize and sort the masks you have generated for different websites. Learn how to create them in this article.
Labels help you organize and sort the masks you have generated for different websites. Learn how to create them in this article.


Firefox Relay lets you create masked email addresses that forward emails to your real email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and avoid spam. But how do you keep track of all the masks you create? That’s where labels come in handy. Labels are custom names that you can assign to your masks. They help you remember where and why you used a masked email address. For example, you can label a mask as “Online Shopping” or “Newsletter Subscription”. =Create a label for your mask= #Click on the Firefox Relay icon in the toolbar. #;[[Image:Labels 3]] #Click the '''Launch Relay''' icon. This will take you to your Firefox Relay dashboard. If you don't have the add-on installed, you can access the dashboard directly by signing in at #;[[Image:Labels 1]] #Find the mask for which you want to create a label and click on '''Add account name'''. #;[[Image:Labels 5]] #Type the name of the label in the text field and press '''Enter''' to save it. #;[[Image:Labels 2]] [[How to automatically label your new email masks|Check this article]] to learn how to automatically label your email masks. For more information on unique Relay email domains, see [[General questions about Relay email domains]]. =Get your labels on all your devices= To be able to sync labels across your devices, data collection must be enabled on the Firefox Relay settings. Most users will have this preference enabled by default. To check if it's on for you, follow these steps: Visit #Confirm that the box for ''Enable account names for email masks'' is checked. This means that data collection is enabled, and your labels will sync across devices. #If the box is unchecked, check it to enable data collection and click the {button Save} button. #;[[Image:Labels 4]]
Firefox Relay lets you create masked email addresses that forward emails to your real email account. This way, you can protect your privacy and avoid spam. But how do you keep track of all the masks you create? That’s where labels come in handy. Labels are custom names that you can assign to your masks. They help you remember where and why you used a masked email address. For example, you can label a mask as “Online Shopping” or “Newsletter Subscription”. =Create a label for your mask= #Click on the '''Firefox Relay''' [[Image:relayIcon]] icon in the toolbar. #;[[Image:Labels 3]] #Click the '''Launch Relay''' icon. This will take you to your Firefox Relay dashboard. If you don't have the add-on installed, you can access the dashboard directly by signing in at []. #;[[Image:Labels 1]] #Find the mask for which you want to create a label and click '''Add account name'''. #;[[Image:Labels 5]] #Type the name of the label in the text field and press {key Enter} to save it. #;[[Image:Labels 2]] [[How to automatically label your new email masks|Check this article]] to learn how to automatically label your email masks. For more information on unique Relay email domains, see [[General questions about Relay email domains]]. =Get your labels on all your devices= To be able to sync labels across your devices, data collection must be enabled on the Firefox Relay settings. Most users will have this preference enabled by default. To check if it's on for you, follow these steps: Visit #Confirm that the box for '''Enable account names for email masks''' is checked. This means that data collection is enabled, and your labels will sync across devices. #If the box is unchecked, check it to enable data collection and click the {button Save} button. #;[[Image:Labels 4]]

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