Find what version of Firefox you are using

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It's often important to know what version of Firefox you are using, to help you troubleshoot a problem or just to know if Firefox is up to date. Here is how you can find out.

Click the menu button Fx89menuButton, click Help and select About Firefox.On the menu bar, click the Firefox menu and select About Firefox. The About Firefox window will appear. The version number is listed underneath the Firefox name.

Here is an example of what the About Firefox window will look like:


Opening the About Firefox window will, by default, start an update check. If an updated version of Firefox is available, it will be automatically downloaded. On Linux, this will happen only if you use a build downloaded from Mozilla's website; otherwise, updates will come through your Package Manager. For more information, see Update Firefox to the latest release.

Tip: You can also find your Firefox version on the Troubleshooting Information (about:support) page. Your Firefox version is listed underneath the Application Basics section of the page.

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