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Thunderbird wont connect to verizon/aol mail server

All morning I had been receiving and sending emails without issue. Then at approx 12:41 PM EST Thunderbird stopped working. I can send and receive emails through AOL to A… (lees meer)

All morning I had been receiving and sending emails without issue. Then at approx 12:41 PM EST Thunderbird stopped working. I can send and receive emails through AOL to AOL but they do not show up in Thunderbird. I did not have any other computer issues and did not change any settings. Verizon told me it was an AOL issue, but I was able to successfully send and receive messages with AOL. AOL tried to fix it but ultimately said it was a Thunderbird issue. In the last 6 or 7 weeks I have had issues with Thunderbird. What is going on? Very Very Frustrating!!!

Asked by k.machv 1 uur gelede

Thunderbird error message?

I installed the new version of Thunderbird, and it's strange. I can receive emails and send emails, but I'm getting an error message at the bottom right corner of my scre… (lees meer)

I installed the new version of Thunderbird, and it's strange. I can receive emails and send emails, but I'm getting an error message at the bottom right corner of my screen:

Could not connect to the mail server (and then it names my server name) The connection was refused

What do I gotta do to make this go away?

Asked by tkangas 8 ure gelede

Junk and Trash Folders in Thunderbird empty

Ever since the last update of Thunderbird, my Junk and Trash folders are empty. When I mark a message as Junk or throw something in the Trash, the messages simply disappe… (lees meer)

Ever since the last update of Thunderbird, my Junk and Trash folders are empty. When I mark a message as Junk or throw something in the Trash, the messages simply disappear. I have no way of checking the Junk mailbox for messages that might be there in error. I am also unsure whether my Trash messages are being deleted permanently, or whether they are in a hidden mailbox somewhere. Please help if you can!

Asked by susan104 9 ure gelede

Email from Microsoft to update Authentication to Oauth

I recieved emails from Microsoft to update Authentication to Oauth as support for basic authentication will soon cease. Whilst I have not been experiencing any issues, af… (lees meer)

I recieved emails from Microsoft to update Authentication to Oauth as support for basic authentication will soon cease. Whilst I have not been experiencing any issues, after following the instructions, also provided here:


I now have an unusable Thunderbird client.

This is because I am having to keep authenticating my outlook accounts (I have about ~100 email accounts). They pop up one after the other for each account.

I believe I went through all the troubleshooting steps but to no joy.

I did notice however, when the "Enter your credentials....." pop up box appears and I go through the motions of authenticating my account and TB against my Microsoft account, the following entry appears under the Settings > Saved Passwords > Saved Logins > "Provider" column for that account:

oauth://login.microsoftonline.com (https://outlook.office.com/IMAP.AccessAsUser.All https://outlook.office.com/POP.AccessAsUser.All https://outlook.office.com/SMTP.Send offline_access)

The credentials include a very long auto generated password starting similar to "M.C533_BAY.0.U.-........"

A couple of things to note now regarding the oauth entry:

1. It possibly does not always get created when re-authenticating 2. After quitting TB and then re-launching TB, it dissapears

So the solution would be to somehow ensure this entry is created and it sticks even after quitting TB, since for those accounts that include this I do not have get the "Enter your credentials....." pop up box.

Is this something TB can investigate?

Asked by schro.cat 11 ure gelede

Cannot send messages

I posted this the other day and have had no reply or I maybe cannot find the thread. Please help. I cannot send messages from Thunderbird since it was last updated on m… (lees meer)

I posted this the other day and have had no reply or I maybe cannot find the thread. Please help.

I cannot send messages from Thunderbird since it was last updated on my pc. Version 115.12.2 (32 bit). I have checked the server settings and they have not changed in years. I have been in touch with Virgin Media, my service provider, and I can send emails when logged on to my account and not involving Thunderbird. I can also send emails from my mobile phone using Gmail. The issue would seem to be with Thunderbird and this recent update. Please point me in the right direction, bearing in mind I am not particularly computer literate.

Asked by billbrysland 15 ure gelede

Error after last Update- Email Server timeout

After Thunderbird update 115.12.2(20240621154414) was installed on my PC on the 25/6/2024 I am unable to receive emails. I continue to get an error message on account noe… (lees meer)

After Thunderbird update 115.12.2(20240621154414) was installed on my PC on the 25/6/2024 I am unable to receive emails. I continue to get an error message on account noeljc@optusnet.com.au (IMAP)

   Connection to server mail.optusnet.com.au timed out.

or Failed to connect to server mail.optusnet.com.au. I have looked thru all the forums and tried various solutions without success including extending the setting for mailnews.tcptimeout to 3000. I have checked and validated my account server settings are as recommended by my ISP(Optus) are correct for authenticated emails. I even turned off my Norton VPN completely to no avail even though I use Split tunnelling to allow Thunderbird thru it as an exclusion. It appears to me there maybe a bug in the last Thunderbird update causing this. I have had this issue in the past at various times intermittently but it has always seemed to correct itself. I have been in contact with my ISP(Optus) regarding this error and all they could say was to logon to email server via webmail and did not offer any other solution. It appears there is a communication breakdown between my PC and the Email server somewhere. As I stated this only happened after the last Thunderbird update on my PC on 25/6 as it was working up until 24/6. I also have another optus email account for my wife on Thunderbird which has the same error messages. Could the Mozilla gurus please advise what to do.

Asked by Noel Cook 21 ure gelede

unable to receive e-mails since 30/05/2024

Good morning. I have been unable to receive e-mails since 30/05/2024. Has the fact that I received an e-mail message from "Mail@voice" <mboudreaux@firmgroupagency.com&… (lees meer)

Good morning. I have been unable to receive e-mails since 30/05/2024. Has the fact that I received an e-mail message from "Mail@voice" <mboudreaux@firmgroupagency.com> on 31/05/2024, got to do with the problem. I would be grateful could help solve the problem. Thank you. Emyr Davies.

Asked by emyr330 3 weke gelede

Last reply by emyr330 1 dag gelede

Thunderbird email

My outgoing email stopped working suddenly. Incoming email works fine. I sent an email with a large attachment. It sent but after that I could not send anymore emails. I … (lees meer)

My outgoing email stopped working suddenly. Incoming email works fine. I sent an email with a large attachment. It sent but after that I could not send anymore emails. I checked my password and server settings nothing has changed except I can't send email. I get a pop up window that asks for my password but after entering my password and hit enter I get another pop up window that says login failed please enter new password. The password works fine when I go AOL mail and enter it.

Asked by orionstarman 2 dae gelede

Last reply by orionstarman 1 dag gelede

Thunderbird quit working.

It has stopped working. Starting 2 weeks ago, Thunderbird keeps saying "Login to server imap.aol.com with username stuart_jones@verizon.net failed." I don't know what t… (lees meer)

It has stopped working. Starting 2 weeks ago, Thunderbird keeps saying "Login to server imap.aol.com with username stuart_jones@verizon.net failed." I don't know what to do.

Asked by stuart_jones 1 dag gelede

Can't send email, 2 different SMTP servers both time out

Hello -- Not sure when this happened. Got 2 email accounts, account X and account Y. All was working fine until today, 6/27/24. Both have different outgoing SMTP server… (lees meer)

Hello --

Not sure when this happened.

Got 2 email accounts, account X and account Y. All was working fine until today, 6/27/24. Both have different outgoing SMTP servers.

Now I am trying to send, it is asking for passwords, which I have and is 100% correct. In fact, if I put in wrong password it tells me, so I know it is communicating. When I put in the correct password, I get a timeout on BOTH SMTP servers.

I disabled Norton Firewall.

Works fine from another PC app (poppeeper) and from my android (k9 mail). Both accounts are IMAP.

Neither SSL/TLS or STARTTLS makes a difference. Nor did a re-boot.

TB 115.12.2 (64 Bit) on Windows 10

Sending of the message failed. The message could not be sent because the connection to Outgoing server (SMTP) mailroom4.hostrocket.com timed out. Try again.

Description: hostrocket Server Name: mailroom4.hostrocket.com Port: 465 User Name: ernie@e(redacted).com Authentication method: Normal password Connection Security: SSL/TLS

Anything change?

Asked by Ernie B 4 dae gelede

Last reply by Ernie B 2 dae gelede

Cannot send emails on Thunderbird after latest update

After updating to Thunderbird version 115.12.2(32 bit) two days ago, I can no longer send emails. I get an error message "Authentification error (VM401)" I use Virgin M… (lees meer)

After updating to Thunderbird version 115.12.2(32 bit) two days ago, I can no longer send emails. I get an error message "Authentification error (VM401)" I use Virgin Media. I can receive emails OK. I have not changed any server settings for a long time. I have been in touch with Virgin Media, they say the problem is with Thunderbird as I can send emails from on their one line system. I can also send emails from my Android phone. Any help would be appreciated.

Asked by billbrysland 3 dae gelede

Outlook authentication

I know this problem has been discussed extensively, but I can't fix it even after reading the previous posts. I have an institutional email address that uses outlook.of… (lees meer)

I know this problem has been discussed extensively, but I can't fix it even after reading the previous posts.

I have an institutional email address that uses outlook.office365 server and mandatory two factor autentication. I had my Thunderbird setup with this, which suddenly stopped working one day on my office PC. I updated Thunderbird to the newest version, but the issue pertains. Currently I'm running Thunderbird 115.12.2. on a Windows 10 machine.

When I try to fetch my emails from this server, a popup window appears that asks for my institutional login credentials. When I enter them, a second window appears, asking for the two factor autentication. However, this window seems to be corrupt, as it does not contain any information, and and it's impossible to type in verification code, as there's no input area at all (see the first picture - note that I'm using a localized version of Thunderbird).

When I click on Privacy and cookies in the right bottom corner, then two lines appear (although without any labels), where I can type in my verification code (I guess that it is the second line, because it shows dots in place of the typed characters, as for passwords). A screenshot of this window can be seen in the second picture.

However, after typing the correct code and clicking on the grey button, the first window reappears, this time with my email address that keeps flashing forever and nothing happens. It does not even matter if I type in the right verification number or just anything, it produces the same behaviour. As a result, I can't log in to my mailbox, which is operational, because I can log in there through the web interface of outlook, and also from my laptop using Thunderbird 78.14.0. I also made sure that the server name and authentication methods are correct (outlook.office365.com, port 993, SSL/TLS, OAuth2).

Do you have any suggestion how to solve this issue?

Many thanks.

Asked by AL 3 dae gelede

email verzenden

Verzenden van het bericht is mislukt. Er is een fout opgetreden bij het verzenden van e-mail. De mailserver antwoordde: Unable to relay without authentication.. Controlee… (lees meer)

Verzenden van het bericht is mislukt. Er is een fout opgetreden bij het verzenden van e-mail. De mailserver antwoordde: Unable to relay without authentication.. Controleer of uw e-mailadres juist is ingesteld in uw accountinstellingen en probeer het opnieuw.

Asked by j.merks501143 3 dae gelede

Thunderbird "Authentication Failed on Server" Message

I occasionally get a Authentication Failed to Server (Outlook.com) and when it occurs it continues for 1-5 minutes then goes away again. Is there any error logging proce… (lees meer)

I occasionally get a Authentication Failed to Server (Outlook.com) and when it occurs it continues for 1-5 minutes then goes away again.

Is there any error logging proceedure that I can set up to see what the exact issue is?

I've tried running a parallel alternative email client (eM Client) and that doesn't seem to suffer in the same way, but I much prefer Thunderbird so would like to find out what the problem is.

Asked by dougjbarnes 1 maand gelede

Last reply by dougjbarnes 3 dae gelede

Green artifact on attachments

Attachments in pdf format are covered with green color. The color disappears, for example, when I open printing setup window. I have arleady repaired the folder and fully… (lees meer)

Attachments in pdf format are covered with green color. The color disappears, for example, when I open printing setup window. I have arleady repaired the folder and fully reinstalled thunderbird. Do you have any ideas how to repair it?

Asked by assasek 3 dae gelede

Problem with PEC account

Hi, i have a PEC account configured on 2 different computers, when i forward a mail, near the message appears a blue mark, but in the other computer didn't appear, so my … (lees meer)

Hi, i have a PEC account configured on 2 different computers, when i forward a mail, near the message appears a blue mark, but in the other computer didn't appear, so my colleague cannot tell if i forwarded the mail or not, can you help me? this problem is only with PEC accounts, with normal mail works correctly, this problem came out some months ago, before worked also whit the PEC accounts

Asked by Matteo Soave 4 dae gelede

Last reply by Matteo Soave 3 dae gelede

Emails sent

Hi, I have problem, sometimes when I send an email, the program loads a completely different email and then saves it as sent,sometimes when I send an email, the program… (lees meer)


I have problem,

sometimes when I send an email, the program loads a completely different email and then saves it as sent,sometimes when I send an email, the program loads a completely different email and then saves it as sent. On the email provider's website, everything is correct, but unfortunately there is an error in the program. This comes up to me often.

can you help me somehow?



Asked by zuk.pat.45 3 dae gelede