Support forum - Offtopic and duplicate questions

Revision Information
  • Revision id: 228074
  • Created:
  • Creator: Kiki
  • Comment: initial content
  • Reviewed: No
  • Ready for localization: No
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Revision Content

Offtopic and duplicate support forum questions

Duplicate questions

If you find that the same user has asked the same question in two or more recent threads:

  • Add a reply to the duplicate thread, tell the user that his question is a duplicate of one he recently asked, and include a link to the original thread.
  • Report to a moderator by clicking "Report Abuse" so that the thread can be locked.
  • Moderators: Lock the duplicate thread after adding a reply (do not simply edit the user's post).

Off-topic questions

As a general rule, we should only offer support for the products listed on the Ask a Question page at the time the thread is opened. Everything else should be considered offtopic (please see Mozilla Support rules and guidelines).

User posts about Mozilla issues that are not in our power to solve, such as development decisions, will be treated as offtopic. For serious discussion, direct users to an appropriate forum that covers the topic, such as a specific Mozilla Discourse forum. Firefox users who post opinions, complaints or rants can also be referred to the Advocacy team through the Submit Feedback process. The User Advocacy team reviews all feedback and reports on the findings to the product teams and relevant parties, which helps to influence and shape Mozilla products.

Note: Thunderbird users can submit feature requests or other Thunderbird feedback in the support forum as the feedback process is Firefox-only. These posts are NOT offtopic.
  • Mark as offtopic by typing offtopic in the text box under TAGS on the right-hand side and clicking the Add button. (Click on TAGS if you don't see the text entry box).
  • Add a reply that the forum is for helping users with support questions about products listed on the main support page only and that we do not provide support for other products or issues.
  • If possible, provide a helpful link or suggestion For example, refer users with Windows problems to a Microsoft or Windows forum. For iPhone issues, refer them to the right Apple forum.
  • Report to a moderator by clicking "Report Abuse" so that the thread can be locked.

Complete Forum Support Guidelines

Are you interested in supporting Firefox (and other Mozilla's products) users by answering support questions? Please follow these guidelines that will help explain how we do things: