Firefox asks for authentication (password, voice, face or fingerprint) when accessing passwords

Revision Information
  • Revision id: 241106
  • Created:
  • Creator: Benyamin
  • Comment: Adding again the section.
  • Reviewed: Yes
  • Reviewed:
  • Reviewed by: Chris_Ilias
  • Is approved? No
  • Is current revision? No
  • Ready for localization: No
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Revision Content
This feature is disabled for both macOS and Windows, except in Firefox Nightly and for testing.
This article applies to Firefox desktop on macOS and Windows.

On macOS and Windows, you may be prompted to enter your operating system password (or authenticate using your fingerprint, face or voice login if enabled) when accessing your stored passwords in the Firefox Password Manager about:logins page. This is an anti-snooping feature designed to protect your logins from unauthorized access.

Note: This feature is disabled if you are using a Primary Password.
  1. When you or anyone attempts to use the Edit, Copy, or the Reveal button (represented by the "eye" icon), they will be prompted to enter your operating system password or authenticate using voice, face camera or fingerprint login (when enabled) before they can access or edit your logins.
  2. If you've successfully entered your operating system password, the prompt will not be shown until you reload the page or after five minutes pass.
  • Example Windows prompt: This is an example of the prompt that is displayed on Windows. The dialog has options to authenticate using a password or other authentication methods such as PIN. The "More choices" link may need to be clicked on to reveal alternate authentication methods. The username used for authentication must match the currently signed in operating system user.


  • Example macOS prompt: This is an example of the prompt that is displayed on macOS. Authentication is available using Touch ID or a password.


What if I don't have an OS password?

  • Windows: If you aren't using a Windows password, you will not be prompted to enter it.
  • macOS: If you don't have a password, click the OK twice to continue. Note: This is a known issue and will be fixed in a future update.

This feature is only supported on Windows and macOS 10.12+. It is not designed to protect against sophisticated attackers who have local access to your computer.

How to Forcefully Enable Authentication when show/copying password on Firefox Stable/Beta?

This feature can be forcefully enabled via about:config, then find flag, switch it from false to true. You can also use this to disable this feature on Firefox Nightly branch, if you felt annoyed. But THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED, because this feature is in TESTING PHASE on Firefox Nightly, and included telemetry.