Automatically close Private Tabs when leaving Private Browsing

Овај чланак се више не одржава, па његов садржај може бити застарео.

Want your private browsing to stay truly private? Firefox for iOS can automatically close private tabs when you leave the app. Just do the following:

  1. Tap the menu button at the bottom of the screen (the menu will be at the top right if you're using an iPad):
    Firefox iOS menu
  2. Tap Settings in the menu panel.
    Firefox iOS settings
  3. Scroll down to the Privacy section and tap the switch next to Close Private Tabs to turn it on (blue means on).
    Automatically close private browsing tabs
  4. Tap Done at the top right corner to save your changes.
    Settings Done

All set! Your private tabs will close on their own when you leave the app.

Learn more

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