Right-clicking does not work

Овај чланак се више не одржава, па његов садржај може бити застарео.

If you find that nothing happens when you right-clickhold down the Ctrl key while you click on a webpage, it is a known issue caused by the Yahoo! Toolbar for Firefox.

Yahoo!® has been contacted about this issue.

For now, disabling the Yahoo Toolbar add-on will prevent this issue.

  1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the Tools menu then select Add-ons, to open the Add-ons window.
  2. Select the Extensions panel.
  3. In the list of extensions, select the Yahoo! Toolbar, and click Disable.
  4. Click on Restart Firefox.

Ови добри људи су помогли у састављању овог чланка:

Illustration of hands


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