Firefox will not display East Asian characters

Toś ten nastawk wěcej se njewótwardujo, jogo wopśimjeśe by mógło pótakem zestarjony byś.

This article describes how to get Firefox to display Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters on web pages.

Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Mac OS X come with East Asian support built in. For more information, see Multilingual support (East Asian) at Wikipedia.

Based on information from Installing East Asian language support under Windows (mozillaZine KB)

Slědujuce wjelicne luźe su pomogli, toś ten nastawk pisaś:

Illustration of hands


Rosćo a źělśo swóju kompetencu z drugimi. Wótegrońśo na pšašanja a pólěpšćo našu wědowu datowu banku.

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